Cuticle Nippers CN111 blade 3mm


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Najniższa cena w ostatnich 30 dniach: 17,00 
Professional Cuticle Nippers CN1113mm

Sharp cuticle nippers CN111 are an accessory for removing cuticles. Suitable for use by both professionals and amateurs. The head of this tool has a simple shape, while the lower elements, such as the arms, are rounded. Thanks to this combination, they look extremely interesting. In addition to their interesting appearance, they also have a very precise blade. This tool is functional and comfortable to use.


  • Brand: Progline
  • Tool Length: 10cm
  • Blade length: 3mm
  • Spring: Double
  • Material: Stainless steel AISI 420 Type
  • Manually sharpened blades
  • Screw joint
  • Long lasting sharpness & extremely durable
  • Purpose: For manicure and pedicure
  • Disinfection & Sterilization: Yes
  • EAN: 5903857400052
Przechowywanie i użytkowanie
Dezynfekcja i sterylizacja

Marka Progline
Długość ostrzy 3 mm
Długość całkowita ok. 10 cm
Kod EAN: 5903857400052

Cuticle Nippers CN111 blade 3mm


In stock

Najniższa cena w ostatnich 30 dniach: 17,00 
Professional Cuticle Nippers CN1113mm

Sharp cuticle nippers CN111 are an accessory for removing cuticles. Suitable for use by both professionals and amateurs. The head of this tool has a simple shape, while the lower elements, such as the arms, are rounded. Thanks to this combination, they look extremely interesting. In addition to their interesting appearance, they also have a very precise blade. This tool is functional and comfortable to use.


  • Brand: Progline
  • Tool Length: 10cm
  • Blade length: 3mm
  • Spring: Double
  • Material: Stainless steel AISI 420 Type
  • Manually sharpened blades
  • Screw joint
  • Long lasting sharpness & extremely durable
  • Purpose: For manicure and pedicure
  • Disinfection & Sterilization: Yes
  • EAN: 5903857400052

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