Care and maintenance

We do not need to convince anyone that you need to take care of cosmetic tools and hairdressing scissors. As long as you keep your instruments in good condition, they will serve you well for many years to come. To do this, just follow a few simple rules that we have prepared for you.

How to care for a barber scissors:

  • Do not use scissors to cut fabrics – they are only intended for cutting hair.
  • Don’t forget to oil the scissors – put a small drop of oil on the center joint and open both blades a few times.
  • Prevent blades from falling and keep away from clips, brushes, or combs to avoid accidental damage to the blades.
  • Use a soft brush, brush, or cloth for cleaning.
  • Store the scissors in the protective case.

How to care for beauty tools:

  • Use the instruments only for their intended purpose.
  • Store tools with the blades facing up.
  • Do not drop the tools – this can permanently damage the blades.
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